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Comments (7)

Fidel - 16 September 16:54

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Sandy - 3 February 04:49

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Janee - 14 November 10:29

I, for one, am glad that I was encouraged to seek out this information on my own by my parents, both by asking them and by using other resources because they knew I was not going to get the information from the school system.В

Enoch - 16 May 07:31

face may be passed prime, but figure can still find a boyfriend for sex

Cathern - 18 October 03:44

she is incredible

Freedland - 14 March 22:14

Hi, kinky queer girl here. Please don't group kinksters in with sexualities and genders, because it's a completely different topic. What gets you off should be separate from who you get off with, in the acronym sense. I know you're more on the heterosexual side of the spectrum so you might not realize it, but please understand that sexuality is different than sexual interests. Grouping sexual interests with sexualities makes being lesbian reduced to something in the same realm as shibari, and that's just insulting.

Isabella. Age: 19
Agnes. Age: 21
Calvin. Age: 19