Numeros Putains Tarente

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Comments (10)

Bumpass - 29 May 13:01

Charmant et efficace, brillant apparence. Je vais rendre le reste inoubliable meme pour le plus expert gars.

Aboulissan - 12 December 10:35

Jérôme Savonarole , en italien Girolamo Savonarola , né à Ferrare , le 21 ou le 24 septembre [ 1 ] , mort pendu et brûlé à Florence le 23 mai , est un frère dominicain , prédicateur et réformateur italien , qui institua et dirigea la dictature théocratique de Florence de à

Augustine - 24 November 17:50

I love her she is so sexy beautifull woman?

Gavin - 2 December 23:13

She's hot and sexy she should try to make a video of her dancing with high heels

Ringus - 9 November 10:51

God bless the Land of the Pure!

Allyn - 24 August 05:53

I hate to say it but I think it's just preference and attraction. In my own experience I thought I was only attracted to white people. However now I'm happily dating my boyfriend who is Colombian. My parents did show a bit concern when we started dating but I remember my mum saying we don't care where anyone you date is from as long as they treat you right.