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Comments (3)

Wonda - 15 December 04:27

Arrete sur images, doute, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, conseiller aujourd’hui rencontre et d’obtenir buzz, et la belette je garantis!

Irvin - 21 September 13:27

Bonjour ma belle, viens nous voir à Rennes, nous serions ravis de visiter ton petit trou serré comme il se doit. Je comprends que tu veuilles faire plaisir àç tous

Hershberg - 23 December 19:07

Hi, Dr. Doe. I'm almost 16, and about two years ago, I started getting my period, but it only shows up every 4 to 6 months. I think I've only gotten it about 6 times. I don't really think I have PCOS, because I don't have a lot of the symptoms. I'm also kind of scared of going to a gynecologist, so I was wondering if maybe you had an explanation for why this might be.

Cucchiaro - 25 February 10:50

It kindda annoys me that there's no detergent specifically made for blood in the stores. There must be a huuuuuge market for it, but I guess it's too taboo to have on the shelves. :/

Sanjuanita - 2 December 08:21

Absolutely beautiful

Camille. Age: 26
Oksana. Age: 29
Emma. Age: 28