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Comments (3)

Kinan - 8 August 14:37

Reve caresse chez moi lits, moi ici triste sans toi!

Admin - 4 July 02:28

Im internet ein wenig geld verdienen österreich.

Roderick - 7 August 18:34

A ton of schools in my city (Toronto were missing half of their kids today, because parents pulled them out due to an updated sex education course. *sigh*. How would you calm these parents down, or reply to comments such as 6 is too young to be learning the word 'penis'! Maybe a video on what you would do if you were given full control over an updated program? What age would it start at? Is there such thing as Too young?

Farid - 7 August 17:59

Great blow job. Love to see you fuck her doggy style and pull her hair.

Ashley - 11 March 14:45

In the first year of secondary school we then learnt more about periods (pads, tampons etc and even learning about Toxic Shock Syndrome and the act of sex itself. We finished learning about the anatomical side of things and started learning about simple forms of contraception (I think mainly condoms and the pill and possible outcomes of having sex (STI/pregnancy etc).

Schweer - 7 December 14:54

Fuck !!! If you were my girl you would have to wear a diaper to catch that constant flow of my cum pouring out of your fine pussy.

Gissela. Age: 29
Calvin. Age: 22
Albina. Age: 22