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Comments (7)

Pasho - 28 March 14:51

Aime, aime son petit trou. Prends mon telephone et venir, caresse ma chatte together, et moi triste.

Bibi - 14 February 21:56

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Position du 69, Cunnilingus.

Loske - 18 August 04:12

I already had a red flag on day 1 which I ignored

Kocaj - 3 June 15:38

Um...NO YOU DON'T!!!!!

Steffanie - 18 September 11:24

It's bad enough having guys commenting on female Youtubers videos, telling the women how sexy they are (and thinking that's a compliment). Taking it into your personal realm is absolutely terrifying. I hope they catch him! And I'm in awe of you for allowing the texts to go through so you can collect evidence. I would have freaked out and changed my number immediately. ><