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Comments (4)

Santos - 21 November 02:35

Arrete mes photos, doute, craignons. Ici rien penser, besoin simplement telephoner et de passer du temps ensemble, et la belette je fournirai!

Hauptman - 12 July 02:57

Désespoir par Dieu donné! Faut-il réveiller ainsi en catastrophe le sénateur qui dort amorphe, son train lourd de balourd solidement tassé dans son fauteuil de pourpre et de velours?

Alexander - 27 February 09:26

wow very sweet girl I like she is loving

Lucio - 8 March 12:02

I've had black cock, some damn good, some not as good! I really don't care what color the cock is, I just like to fuck! I have a BF now and like myself he is of German extraction. He is the best lover I've ever had. He really knows how to fuck a woman!

Bockover - 25 December 14:06

Also mention to check for the air bubble in the condom wrapper, because otherwise it won't be sterile and may have been tampered with.

Raybould - 26 February 19:33

with a perfect body like that , the only thing missing is SMILE a bit ,please SMILE please

Tolman - 4 August 21:03

Perfect titties and pussy, would love to be there