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Comments (6)

Cipkowski - 18 July 22:51

Arrete sur appetissants photos, doute, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, besoin maintenant rencontre et d’apprecier le temps passe, et la belette toi garantis!

Emery - 20 July 06:33

Marié et putain Audio original.

Fil - 30 December 14:40

where the fuck is he hiding in there?

Dede - 5 February 19:27

She has a lovely pussy, could you give her to me for two hours.

Borzea - 8 June 12:28

Thank you for putting words to my inner squirmy thoughts. I didn't know why I was so uncomfortable with the inclusion of allies in the acronym, but what you said is spot on No matter how supportive and involved in the Trans community I am, I would never expect to be included as one of them. I'm not. I don't deal with what they do, so I'm not part of the community. And being supportive, being an ally that doesn't deserve a reward. It's the bare minimum I can do to be a decent human being.

Seweall - 27 November 02:26

If using a cellphone in the car while driving is wrong, then this is twice as wrong. But I like it!!!!

Darrel - 27 August 14:19

Lekker hoor! Hou wel van plas video' s!