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Comments (5)

Santo - 18 August 17:15

Coince inviter photos, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici rien penser, besoin maintenant telephoner et d’obtenir buzz, plaisir toi fournirai!

Sharpsteen - 30 July 02:18

Bonjour, nous recherchons un couple maxi 50 ans, pas d'homme seul! Nous sommes coquin et nous aimons les moment câlins.

Marshall - 21 April 10:46

No Cinderella? I mean come on. Totally the preachers daughter mind set.

Katzaman - 7 October 05:46

So sorry to hear about this Doc.please let me express to you how much *I that I appreciate you and your channel. It really sucks when someone else abuses the ability for some people to reach out and help others. Thank you for being open and honest with your subscribers. One of the main reasons I am a fan is because of this open honesty. I can only hope that this idiot doesn't ruin it for the rest of us that DO understand boundaries!

Carlise - 3 August 05:34

beautiful women

Clora - 23 March 23:10

Nice vid :)
What's her name? :)

Kathlyn - 7 March 19:08

This video makes me cum harder then ever every time I watch it ooh she sucking that clit just like a dick got my big clit so hard and swollen I need some pussy now with a big clit where you at

Meyer - 5 September 07:53

Wow, that was intense! I don't know if I would have been able to receive that experience with as much openness as you, Dr.Doe! I think the semen-blood drinking would have been a bit too much for me personally! But I guess that's why you're the sexologist! I'm curious if that show was at all an uncomfortable experience for you at the time as you were trying to broaden your horizons, or if it was just exciting.