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Comments (3)

Schuchman - 25 January 04:44

Passionne bebe, je souhaite insouciants liens agreable avec le developpement de nature sexuelle. Maintenant tape mon numero de telephone et venez, Je vais remplir tous, comme tu le dis!

Breitling - 21 November 18:26

Sur site soumis les profils sexy putains Thunder Bay, prêtes à te baiser toute la journée. Nous vous garantissons plaisir à couper le souffle avec ces girls!

Nicholas - 26 July 07:38

Nice body

Dion - 30 April 07:42

just speechless

Shane - 8 July 11:39

What a shit - yes, big sex toy - but only in and out - no sound, no emotion -
no, not my taste - 1 of 10 - pity !

Gennie - 20 December 13:35

Pretty girl likes the cock good result

Marshall - 26 September 13:36

There's just one thing I'm a littlebit confused about and I just need to confirm or disconfirm this question: I have had cold sores before, so HSV1 I presume. The cold sores haven't been disastrous and super duper painful, but it's quite sore and definitely uncomfortable. Now, question: You said I can transfer herpes from mouth to genitals, but is that only during outbrakes or can I transfer my mouth herpes/cold sores to genitals (or mouth for that matter when not having an outbreak? 'Preciate it!

Michal - 11 December 08:15

I am a single leg amputee and would love to hang out one night this has been something I wanted to do for30 years